I needed this! Finding the balance of not-writing and “dicking around” brain time is such a challenge, especially after the day job. I never have enough hours or energy for the writing I want to do, but waste energy beating myself up over that mental gray space (usually my social media time). Thank you!!!!!

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Glad to know you can related, and that you enjoyed this!

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Sooo, this was anything but boring (plus I learned about Meadow Mats!) I enjoyed hearing that "dicking around" was not only acceptable - but to be encouraged! I love that! Thanks again. Your days sound absolutely ideal btw.

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Awww, thanks Speranza! Glad you liked this. <3

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Thank-you Sari! Really appreciate getting to gain some insight into the 'day of a writer'. It really helps to know that someone such as yourself - a professional writer and published author, also struggle with finding the time to put pen to paper. What a relief it is, to know this. 💞

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Thanks for letting me know this was useful!

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